The Founder & Current Board Members
Bishop Jorge Rodríguez Eagar PhD. D.D
CEO/Founder & Spiritual Director of the Shrine
Ritual has been an integral part of Fr. Jorge’s formation. By integrating visual and other artistic expressions as tools for healing and transformation, he reclaims the time-honored mystical power of ritual to assist in self-realization. Fr. Jorge teaches classes on magical & mystical Christianity, the archangelic realms, practical Kabbalah, Angelic wisdom of the Tarot, and shrine-box making.
Gwendolyn Johnson ~ President
Rev.Gwendolyn Johnson is a retired licensed professional Registered Nurse and an ordained priest serving at the Shrine of Holy Wisdom.
Bill Bradley ~ Member at Large
Bill is a licensed clinical social worker and marriage & family therapist with a private practice in Tempe, Arizona since 1980.
Colter Smith ~ Vice-President
Member At Large ~ Real estate agent and breath activation facilitator.
P J Longoni ~ Treasurer/Founder of Tadini House: A community where former prisoners experience nurturing one-to-one relationships and community support.
Rev. Cynthia D Cebuhar, Secretary & Guest Clergy Interfaith / Earth Traditions ~ Priestess of The Temple of the Creative Flame