This month's family and systemic dreamwork workshop will be expanding to include systemic dreamwork. You may attend if you have a family, relational, or systemic issue to address, only. You may also attend if you have a dream you would like to interpret. It's also possible that the two may overlap.
Both family constellations and systemic dreamwork, will involve your issue being constellated, which means that someone from the workshop will represent each element of your concern so that a map of your reality emerges in front of you, leading to resolutions and insights you could not have otherwise discovered.
How is systemic dreamwork different from other forms of dream analysis?
The most significant difference is that we will have the experience of embodying figures and elements of your dream, through a process called a “constellation.”
1)The first step is that you will bring a dream, or set of dreams that you want to work with, to the group format of this workshop. (You may also bring a scenario that is not a dream, should you want to opt for that approach.)
2)Together, you and I (the facilitator) will begin to comb through your dream, to find what has the strongest resonance for you and where the crux of your learning is. In this part of the process we will be using our intuition, together. This is the first layer of interpretation.
3) From there, we will begin to request members of the group to represent the significant elements of your dream (or life situation). This is what is meant by the term “constellate” from the German psychological term, “aufstellen.”
4) A set of relationships and stories start to “constellate” themselves through the feelings, movements, and perceptions of the people representing elements of your dream (or current difficulty). Both you and the representatives will interact in ways that will bring to light feelings and insights that you could not have accessed on your own. This may be a very brief or a complex intervention.
5) Finally, we will bring all of this together and see how it applies to your life. What does the interpretation that has emerged from the field of the constellation experience mean for you? What elements do you need to take away to understand yourself and our life better? What choices can you make in harmony with dream-knowledge, that will help you to be happier? What is unseen in your own being and in the systems you are part of, such as work, family, ancestry, or natural environment? What can you do now that you have brought this to life and to conscious awareness? There may be medicine for your relationships, work, and all aspects of personal and spiritual development, to be found in your dreams.
"Come seeking solutions and the hidden dynamics, greater than just your personal story, underneath your problems. $25 for participation, $50 to $100 suggested for anyone requesting a constellation."